Monday, 22 August 2011

Culoe De Song: An African Heritage

Africa the Motherland, the Dark Continent- call it what you will; we’re all children of the drum. For decades Africa has been recognised as a continent of interesting and undulating culture, a greater ‘tribe’ that knows, feels and experiences rhythm on a different and deeper level than anywhere else. It is said that all African’s are born with a free-spirit, a wild abandon and an instinctual body movement to music. At the end of it all, what I know for certain is that the ‘drums never lie’ and at present no-one knows it better than Culoe De Song.
He might have been one of the youngest people to attend the prestigious Red Bull Music Academy, but with an intuitive grasp of the rhythm and soul that you could only find in South Africa, Culoe has been leading dancers into an epic spiritual trance with his melodic and profoundly deep-spirited music production. Signed to Innervisions in 2009, where his music is released alongside that of Dixon, Ame, Henrik Schwartz and Fish Go Deep, Culoe has quickly garnered much attention from around the world, and become a bit of a sensation- nothing wrong with that!
When asked what sets him apart from other DJ’s and Producers in South Africa and internationally, he replies humbly, ‘ I cannot comment much on what sets me apart from other artists in the world, what you’ve seen or heard is Culoe De Song.’ Culoe says his craft is fundamentally on the grounds of love and dedication, and what he has achieved is a blessing from his roots and a daily respect to life. ‘That’s what I’m about and so is my music.’
A combination of drive and innate talent, honed by a musical upbringing, is why even Mix Mag, the UK’s biggest Electronic Music Magazine has said he’s ‘at the forefront of the house music currently smashing club land.’ ‘I’m happy that I get such acknowledgement from the world. I’m also grateful to the love reflected back to me by each and every person’s groove and enjoyment of my music. I greatly appreciate this and that’s the only reason I’m here.’ He says.
His music has taken him around the world in 2010, from the Miami Winter Music Conference back in March, to New York, a European tour which took him into the heart of Italy and many trips into Africa playing to the beautiful masses in Botswana and Swaziland. How do the international scene’s compare to South African? ‘I could relate to the scenes there by one thing: The music. It’s a universal language. In Europe the crowd is very spontaneous, they’re willing to learn and love hearing new sounds so they let you take them on a journey.’ He says. ‘It’s really great to experience the different crowds and cultures.’
Meeting his own idols, the likes of Man00, Rocco and Louie Vega has also been an incredible experience. ‘It’s great to have met some of the producers I’ve looked up to, over the years we’ve come across each other online and keep in contact. Manu and Rocco will be coming to South Africa in 2010’ He lets on. ‘Over the last 2 years so many internationals have been coming into the country, they’re excited to come and experience the scene here and it’s so awesome to see that!’
His process in the studio is a personal experience, when working on a remix or producing a track, he finds depth in solace; ‘When I’m working on my music I’m always in my own space in time- that time is dedicated to the art and me. That’s when I meet my inspiration and produce what comes from within, hence I keep emphasizing LOVE, DEDICATION and RESPECT you feel me?’ Culoe is currently in studio working on a few things, a couple of remixes are due out on various labels but he’s most excited about a big collaboration project with Black Coffee. ‘We’re making an album together, and going by the name Bang Bang. Haha!’
Although the old Kwaito days hold some of his favourite memories, he found himself drawn to House Music, his fundamental sound genre, and his passion for being a House Music DJ. He says, ‘The House Music scene currently has a lot of energy and it’s mainly the youth that are taking part, and it’s great to see the circle of music lovers, and the appreciation for House Music growing. I can never tell what will happen in the scene as time goes by, as long as the energy remains positive, I think good shall always grace the scene, but then again, music as we know it has come a long way itself – so who are we not to believe in the good of it?’ When playing sets he sometimes feels intimidated by the crowd but, ‘Mostly they are very welcoming- lots of happy faces!’
Culoe is often asked by friends and fans, ‘How does it feel?’ especially being that he is ‘a younger guy’ in this business. ‘My response is always “It’s an overwhelming feeling!’ Hahaha!’  In his free time he listens to all sorts of music- from Jimi Hendrix to local vocal sensation, Lira, and he’s a bit of a gamer, ‘I love Playstation- give me Mortal Kombat and its ON!’ he laughs. When Culoe goes home, his Zulu praise name is MAGEBA MNTWANA, something we have no doubt the musical ancestors will long be singing to infinity and beyond

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